The object of this page is to answer the big questions in the light of today’s knowledge. How many think that death is the end how could it be otherwise? .The beliefs of many of our ancestors and their desire to kill one another in the name of God (Still true of certain societies today)  has created such a large barrier that whenever this subject is mentioned people can get so angry about such nonsense that a genuine discussion is not possible. Even people who believe in an afterlife and God etc have no idea what really happens and imagine a place that has all the qualities of a fairy tale.  If you had travelled back in time and described our world today you would have been burned at the stake or locked up in an asylum. Therefore as we look to the future where greater understanding of it all presumably will be revealed by science we have to be careful not to let our ‘common sense’ form yet another barrier to our understanding.  While mainstream science seems to be in the atheist camp it is to science we must look for what turns out to be a simple answer i.e. The Multiverse: Like televisions stations there are countless worlds and places in the same space but separate. That means that ‘heaven’ could be only a millimeter away. The same principle applies to death. At conception a back up copy is created so that when the body dies our consciousness switches to the double which is still you. The good news that it has no missing parts, no wrinkles it is in fact perfect. This is one of the things that has been known since the dawn of man. There are people the can slip out of the body and roam around the markets, towns houses, spirit world, walk beneath the sea and speak to the so called dead. This can happen to anyone when the brain is fast asleep and not able to remember but sometimes sleepers can catch a glimpse of that greater reality. Our ancestors were aware of this and that is why they thought that they could take their riches and even their wives with them not knowing that the next world is on a different frequency/vibration. 

For the last 150 years there has been many, many other streams of scientific research to back this up involving Universities, Professors, Physicists famous Inventors, Engineers, Great thinkers and last but not least the Sensitive’s people; who are aware of the greater reality and the people who look after us but have often been labeled deluded. Every human life, good bad or indifferent ads value to our greater self which has experienced so many lives in so many places and worlds.  


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