The Spiritual Life

By Michael Featherstone.

For many people in this modern world, life has no meaning; for them existence is empty, hollow and filled with pain. But there is far more to life than they realise, it is a great adventure throughout which we are never alone. Like the song of the birds the voice of spirit often goes unnoticed; helping; guiding; informing and comforting each and every one of us. They are with us every day of our lives from the moment of birth until once again we meet face to face; on the day that we return in triumph to our spiritual home.

I believe that the thoughts that follow have, to a greater or lesser extent, been given to me to share with those who will listen. I hope that you will find these ideas as interesting and inspiring as I do.


Are we like insects that live for a day, then gone, as if we never existed, or are we eternal beings with endless potential to love, create and explore?  

This book came about through curiosity; I wondered how we came to be clinging to the side of a huge rock spinning in endless space.- So for forty years I looked for conclusive evidence that death might not be the end; the amazing results of that journey are contained in my book ‘The Living Dream.’ Though the words in this book, ‘The Spiritual Life’ carry no proof of ownership I personally have had more than enough experience to convince me that thoughts do filter into the minds of every one of us. Selected from recordings of ‘inspired’ speaking, sometimes when I was alone and at others with friends in different circles over the years this material is intended to be thought provoking and encouraging:- All of it is aimed at helping us through from day to day. Some of the content is very personal and referring to my glass half empty out look. (I call it being realistic.) Other material is aimed at a wider audience with thoughts about some of the great mysteries of our life on earth.

Like the many TV, radio and phone signals, the spirit worlds and everything that we see around us exist side by side in the same space in which we live. We are adventurers; beings of light in a universe of light and as visitors to this earth we have chosen to experience many things that can’t be understood in a world where there is no pain or death. – That world is just a thought away.

All attempts at communication are an experiment which must be judged on merit. I hope you find the following words interesting and food for thought that will at least set you off on your own search for truth and knowledge.                                                                                 Michael Featherstone. 2012.

We come to you in the name of the Lord; this is our call sign; this is how we wish to be known: For we are in essence a party of ambassadors, well wishers from the world of spirit trying to help you to help others. We are signalling our continued interest and support by encouraging you and hoping that you will respond in a way which is meaningful and progressive. There can only be one way and that is forward as everything moves in that direction. Everyone in the world will soon see that their travails, their misery and their hardships were well worth it and that these experiences had something intrinsically good hidden within them. Not everyone is lucky enough to understand the importance of these things; you have the privilege. Yours is a special pathway chosen that you might come into our presence and bring with you many souls who are looking for something meaningful. And also to encourage them to think for themselves; to ponder the issues and to realise that all about them is the world of spirit.
Nothing is ever what it seems; nothing is given that it must not be worked for because all knowledge needs to be understood at a very basic level and gradually increased until it reaches the dizzy heights. In between those times there are many, many steps; countless steps; steps of hardship and endeavour; coming together and coping and creating: I could go on. But the soul who realizes the importance of these steps and the meaning of them will be the soul that has the added advantage of being able to choose to move forward more quickly and more honestly. And at a pace which is greater than that, had he or she not known, not understood, and where things might have held them back.

Everyone in the world of spirit takes their duties seriously, all of us are on one mission or another coping with this or that; helping here or there; striving to bring our charges into the knowledge and into the exciting reality which is the spiritual for the spiritual holds the power. Every season we have different tasks: We follow the sun; and then the rain; and then the dark; and then the cold. And then we see once again the spring, new life new hope and so it is with human emotions, many different facets all to be taken account of. - Strong feelings; weaker ones; indifference; challenges and opportunities. These conditions and many more teach you and allow you to progress in the world of man. Everything is in place for you. Love is all around and is working to help you; secure you; move you forward and generally thinking of your welfare. Stay focused  keep calm and return to the fold with a happy heart.         May 2012.


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