The Case against Dawkins.

When Darwin published ‘The Origin of the Species’ it seemed to many people that God was dead but in reality the theory of evolution merely proved that the story of Adam and Eve was never meant to be taken literally. What it doesn’t explain is that the chances of a random process producing such an amazingly well-designed, well-balanced and beautiful world is statistically so unlikely that it still leaves us with a mystery. According to Professors Hoyle and Wickramsinghe:-

“Once we see that the probability of life, originating at random is so utterly minuscule as to make it absurd, it becomes sensible to think that the favourable properties of physics on which life depends are in every respect deliberate .” (Hoyle / Wickramsinghe 'Evolution from Space.' Dent.)

In considering other possibilities however, there are so many theories about almost every subject, incredible coincidences woven together with a plethora of misinformation, it’s not surprising that people are sceptical. Believing that the moon is made of green cheese doesn’t make it so nor does a declaration of faith in the teachings of one’s beloved religion. When I try to repair a complicated piece of equipment like a television receiver, it simply will not work until the exact fault is found, with belief you can make the facts fit your own theory. I always believed faith was for fools but after thirty seven years of research I now have far more respect for those who have that strong inner conviction, except when it leads them into grasping at all sorts of stupid ideas like killing and maiming people in order to get a good place in Heaven. -

Is there more to life than the physical universe and is it feasible that we can survive death? At this point most people will start to think in religious terms but religion has thrown a smoke screen around the truth which seems to be responsible for a mind set in science that is just as fixed in belief as the people they criticise. It is a belief that survival just isn’t possible, anyone that says otherwise is wrong and all research on the matter is misleading: But there are those who have the knowledge to take the opposite view. Professor Archie Roy, Emeritus Professor of Astronomy at Glasgow University and former President of the Society for Psychical Research, is quoted as saying that,

‘The scientific proof is so clear that only the ignorant, the intellectually arrogant, or those hide-bound in prejudice could doubt it.’
(Cris Johnson. SPR. 'Psychic News.' July 20th 1996.)

What we have to remember is that no matter how brilliant scientists are they are discovering what is already there and they can’t even make a worm or a blade of grass. In other words there is an intelligence that is infinitely greater than theirs and yet some people are happy to credit that intelligence to mere chance. In years gone by men talked of the ‘creation’ as though they could see the hand of God in the world: the artist, the designer, the planner, the creator. To the modern mind very much concerned with the nuts and bolts of the thing, that may seem childish and ignorant, how much more reasonable to believe that the universe, our world, our beautiful landscapes, created themselves by trial and error. But why should matter create anything that is so organized? If you throw a few colours on to a palette and mix them up the chances are you will end up with a muddy brown; to create a picture of beauty requires skill and experience.
Everything is in perfect order; everything is in its place but imagine if flowers sprouted eyes and watched you watching them or if Elephants could speak. Humans could have had the head of a crocodile or the neck of a Giraffe. We marvel at the aeroplane whilst a bumblebee buzzes by, hardly noticed, a small, heavier-than-air machine, with the gift of free will. Should we be happy to accept that the world as we see it now came about by pure chance? Could it be that the genes are evidence of a highly sophisticated programme that is shaped by the environment?
Consider the tree, the reverse of our lungs, was it designed as part of our life support system or to add beauty to the earth? - Perhaps it was after all simply a response to its environment. How would we feel if a tree uprooted and walked away, an object that in human terms is dead, grown from dead matter, suddenly becoming alive before our eyes? Of course a tree was never designed to do that but the human being was, why should the dead earth give birth to a living, thinking creature that can become separate and move about where it will and is able to know that the mighty universe exists?
A human being is a complicated machine and whilst it takes a factory full of skilled men to build a comparatively simple motorcar, the body builds itself, changes its size and replaces every cell so that over a period of time nothing of the original is left. It mends its own punctures and reproduces itself, the nerves are wired like a telephone exchange, the immune system operates like a video game and the skeleton is a mechanical marvel. Even the simple act of walking was not duplicated by a machine until 1997, and this was only achieved by using very complicated engineering and electronics. This sausage on legs, this walking bag of bones and chemicals, is controlled by the brain, - a highly advanced computer - a sophisticated cauliflower! The camera impresses us but we take for granted our eyes grown like fruit on a bush; there is even a television picture inside our heads. And all of this was in already in existence when dinosaurs roamed the earth many millions of years before television was even thought of. The sheer sophistication of so-called primitive animals came home to me as I saw the immense speed and skill with which a big cat chased it prey.

There are faces we may hate and faces we undoubtedly love but that face, which so represents our individuality, is composed of functional gadgets just like any motorcar. The eyes are to see with, the nose and mouth to breathe in the gases to keep us alive in this bubble of air that surrounds us. The mouth takes in fuel and like the ears is part of the communications system so that we can share our thoughts with each other. The body is a vehicle in which we drive around and we can love a car pretty much in the way that we can love a face. Its appearance may attract us but the human face becomes inseparable from the personality. The Disney artists are masters at making objects appear life-like, the candlesticks, the tea cups, the milk jug are all endowed with their own personality, just like the human body, a sophisticated puppet, an object brought to life but by what? If the human being is only a mechanical man and nothing more it should be possible to build a computer which is alive. A computer however has in fact no more intelligence than an ordinary flashlight but if it could be programmed with the right responses so that it displayed all of the reasoning power of a human being, how would we know the difference? Perhaps we are after all just clever machines, a race of robots living in a macabre fantasy world sprung up from the dead earth and clinging to every second of life, before we return to a terrible life-less eternity. If that were true, all the dreaming, all the hoping, all the theories and all the faith in the world would not make it otherwise.
As if our universe wasn’t remarkable enough we have to remember that the whole thing is constructed out of light and has no more substance than the picture on a TV screen, we the room the street outside, the world, the universe are little more than three-dimensional shadows, we live in a sea of strange forces and energies. Infra red and ultra violet waves, Radio, TV and phone signals drift though unseen, unfelt and unnoticed. Mankind has crossed the oceans and discovered new and exciting lands, he will one day travel to the stars. Could it be that there are worlds beyond the senses, not billions of light years away but in our own back yard fixed silently in space, unseen, unfelt and unnoticed by all but a few individuals that have tuned into these other dimensions sometimes at a moment when their own body had ceased to function and was literally dead to this world, unable to communicate, or think, or see or hear? From their vantage point up near the ceiling they see and hear very unusual occurrences in the operating theatre, or crash scene and they can see the grieving relatives in another place. Subjects describe going to a vividly real world filled with light, they meet people they know, sometimes they are not aware that, that person has died - In short there is powerful evidence that can only be explained in one way. In a study by Ring & Cooper, subjects, blind since birth, were not only able to see in vivid colours, they could both recognise and had the words to describe who and what they saw: This was totally different to their dreams in which they were still blind. (‘Mindsight.’ Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper. I Universe 2008.)

How can we in one dimension prove the existence of another without relying totally upon the human mind which is so capable of weaving fantastic stories? Contrary to popular belief there has been a tremendous amount of scientific research into the subject and this has been totally discounted by the scientific establishment. It is the elephant in the room; it is the subject that can only be referred to in terms of utter denial.

And so whilst countless numbers of people have all kinds of experiences which suggest the existence of other dimensions it is to the mediums we must turn for they have spent a lifetime struggling with a view of existence that is at odds with everyone else.

In 1882 the Society for Psychical Research was formed, it had a membership list that read more like a copy of ‘Who’s Who’ and included some of the most eminent scientists and scholars in Britain. The SPR has the highest possible reputation for care and honesty and they have been known to reject a whole series of apparently genuine séances because of the most far-fetched possibility of fraud at one sitting, in fact people often sarcastically called them, ‘The Society for the Suppression of Evidence.’ Eventually some of the most sceptical, even hostile members were satisfied that life-after-death was the only answer that fitted the facts.
There are many ways in which mediums have been used to bridge the dimension gap. Mediums are mostly associated with giving messages and this activity has been the subject of countless studies. For some 30 years messages were given through automatic writing to mediums in different parts of the world ending with the request that they send them to the SPR and signed ‘FWH Myers.’ (A Greek scholar and founder member of the SPR.)These Cross correspondences were complicated Greek texts that had meaning when fitted together.
In 2002 Professor Gary Schwartz of The University of Arizona, previously of Harvard and Yale, published 'The Afterlife Experiments,' which tested four mediums including television’s John Edwards. Overseen by a committee of friendly sceptics including magicians, messages were given through intermediaries so that no audible clues could be given and were compared with placebo readings. - They were then marked for accuracy. One of the names given ‘Talia’ was extremely rare, the messages were lively, topical and factual giving every impression that the communicators were alive and kicking. Of course this is no surprise to me after 37 years of listening to mediums but, though messages can be a very powerful indicator that our relatives are still around, seeing and hearing are still thought of as being the ultimate in proof. Leslie Flint couldn’t enjoy a film because of the voices that would annoy other patrons in the cinema. In his séances famous people including ‘Dame Ellen Terry,’ ‘Oscar Wilde’, ‘Rupert Brooke,’ ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ and ‘Cosmo Gordon Lang’, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, used to speak, their recognisable voices coming from mid air. Leslie, the most tested medium around, was unusual in that he did not have to provide any equipment - Most of these kinds of séances use small aluminium cones with luminous tabs. At one end you can hear faint twittering, the sound of an un-amplified voice, at the other, a relative speaking to someone in the audience like Marie McGlynn, who at a Colin Fry séance on, June 17th 1988, laughed and joked with her husband Nick, a few hours after she had died.
At a Stewart Alexander séance I saw trumpets flying about at tremendous speed, at one moment rapping on the ceiling then in a split second from somewhere else in the room. And if you think such a profound subject is demeaned by such party tricks it is merely a demonstration of power, rather like the prisoner who raps on the pipes to assure his fellow prisoners in the adjacent cells that they are not alone.
When I was an apprentice Television Engineer I used to assemble Seymour floating television tables - Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would actually see one float in mid-air at our small, weekly physical circle. I could also hear the raps of invisible fingers and actually recognise that they belonged to a lady, a man and a child. In spite of all my years of research the reality of this situation was very striking.
The most unbelievable phenomenon but perhaps the ultimate for those who need to see to believe is full materialisation of the human form. In 1870 Mr William Crookes (Later Sir William Crookes president of the Royal Society.) was pressurised by fellow scientists into investigating the phenomena called Spiritualism because they were sure that he would expose it as a complete fraud. In the presence of the great medium D.D. Home he saw an accordion playing inside a cage and measured an unknown force on a plank of wood, all documented as with any scientific experiment. But his colleagues suddenly didn’t want to know. These experiments lead Crookes to work with a young medium called Florence Cook and to come face to face with a materialised spirit, Katie King, the daughter of the famed buccaneer John King. On one occasion to prove that she was not the medium in disguise, Katie agreed to stand in front of the gas burners. Like a wax doll she melted into the floor, an agonising experience for her, only to re-appear seconds later. Many years later Desmond Leslie described an Alec Harris séance in a Cardiff semi where a series of individuals kept appearing from behind a curtain fixed across the corner of the room of the stone cottage. It was only when one of these figures melted into the floor like ice cream then popped up again large as life, did Leslie realise what he was actually seeing.
Despite all of the impressive evidence, the picture that unfolds in my book ‘The Living dream’ seems like an unbelievable fantasy but just a few decades ago the wonders of the age in which we now live were unimaginable and would have sounded just as fantastic. How many ideas that were unlikely when they were first thought of, are now accepted fact? - The man who suggested that Africa was once joined to America and that whole continents were on the move was laughed at and it was not until the nineteen sixties that this seemingly crazy idea was taken seriously. The possibility that we could see and hear people on the other side of the earth was in the realms of magic and superstition, now satellite television is part of everyday life. A beam of light can cut metal or send millions of messages whilst computers that can complete endless hours of calculations in seconds and once filled a whole room, can now be held in the palm of the hand. No one could have foreseen that there would ever be a moment when a mother would put her hand upon the chest of a stranger and feel her son's heart beating or that someone could eat his breakfast with another man’s hand. Men have travelled to the moon and walked in space and have seen far into the distance of the mighty universe. - The list of wonders is endless and there are bound to be things that we have yet to imagine because mankind will keep on inventing and discovering therefore the world of the future is sure to be even more fantastic.
The universe is based on electronic principles and in a few short years we have seen what can be done using electronics – I think we will find that almost anything is possible!
The question of survival leads to all sorts of philosophical questions the most quoted being, ‘Why are little children allowed to suffer?’ and ‘Is someone over there looking out for me?’ In my books ‘The Living Dream’ and ‘The Spiritual Life,’ (Both not yet published) I use the words of the so called dead to explain the big questions. The work of mediums has always been shown to be trivial, humorous and even fraudulent. - In truth what they do is extremely profound; they open the windows of heaven that we might peep through.
(C Mike Featherstone BA Hons, June 2009.)


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